
Sound Bite

From a dancer in the tour of Beauty and the Beast that is currently playing at Gammage, and who so kindly came and gave an artist talk to us LOT folks:

"In order to be a public success, you must first be a public failure."

That gives me so much courage as I slog through my intro to dance class, and as I try to come up with a decent sounding belt/mix. It's ok to make mistakes and humiliate myself - that's kind of what school is for! And... I totally did embarrass myself today in dance class... when the teacher stops counting the combo to laugh at you, you know you're looking pretty crazy. :D

1 comment:

  1. I love this.

    And I needed to hear it, too!! Thanks for sharing, love. (And I've loved all your blog posts...especially the one about how romantic it was to simply be young, to be us, and have so much to explore and enjoy =).

    I won't even go into how jealous I am that you get to meet all these people...or that Beauty & the Beast tours near you!!!!!!!!!!!!
