
New Poem!

Ok, it's actually not new. I wrote it last April, but it's a little different from the kinds of poems I'm used to writing, so I was a little afraid to share it. But here it is - so be nice to it! :)

I walked to the edge of the sea,
And dipped my toes in the surf.
Touching the ocean is (to me)
Something like tasting a dream.

I crept up and sat by a lark,
Memorized its tremulous strains.
Hearing its song, even in part,
Is something like seeing through the dark.

I lay down beneath a pine,
Observed the branches and boughs.
Following each twisted vine,
Is something like tasting good wine.

I knelt beside a rose,
Closed my eyes and breathed.
Smelling such perfume, so close,
Is something like inhaling a poem.

I gathered courage to hold your hand,
To feel the softness of your fingers; which,
Intertwined together as we stand,
Look something like a wedding band.

Of Twirling Turtles

So, I like to twirl on sidewalks when I'm walking around school. Every now and then, the sky is so perfectly beautiful or I'm just so happy to be alive, that I get all romantically and give a little twirl for the heck of it.

But today I twirled around and there was totally someone walking right behind me. Awkward turtles all around. LOL!


A Whirlwind of Magic!

What a wonderful life mine has been! Just today, I got a backstage tour of Young Frankenstein (which is playing at Gammage), plus free tickets to see it tonight! And tomorrow, we have a dance masterclass with the cast. Super exciting stuff!

But besides that ... I'm making friends, and had dinner with a delightful girl who's in 4 of my classes this semester. I'm learning a lot, practicing a lot, hanging on to my grades by the skin of my teeth, and so pumped to start rehearsals for Secret Garden on Monday.

My days are packed from the time I get up (which is guiltily around 7:00 these days - though my alarm goes off a good hour before I actually tumble out of bed) to the time I go to bed, usually around 11:00. My dad commented that it was like full-time Interlochen, and it so is. Concerts every weekend, recitals/convocations during the week, choir, show rehearsals, theory class... and all the instrumentals walking around blowing on things! I had to wait a while for a practice room today, and I just loved studying to the cacophony of music streaming from all the little cubicles.

I still don't know about a 10 year plan, or about making money and paying bills, but I do know that being a music major is amazing in every way.

With a heart full of gratitude, I'm off to catch a few hours of sleep :)


Yes, please!

I just got back from a beautiful concert at ASU today: a piano professor collaborating with all kinds of different instruments, from strings, to woodwinds, to a soprano.

Can I say that I love Schumann? The elegance, the discipline, the delightful turns of phrase and the subtle emotions. And this might be weird, but I love hearing German diction. It's pretty incredible. So thank you, Carole Fitz-Patrick, for your lovely consonants and clear vowels.

Alright, now I'm definitely motivated to go practice - so I'll catch you later :)


I'm Back :)

So... Germany...

My prolonged absence is really quite inexcusable. I'm very sorry. Somehow, blogging is a discipline that gets quickly thrown by the wayside as soon as anything else comes up to interfere. But, I have given up facebook for at least the next month and a half, so Starry Wonders will again become the way I communicate with the online world.

Germany was incredible, but I feel like to recap it would be kind of odd at this point. So call me if you want specifics :)

Now, it's almost October, and I've settled into life as a college student here at my crazy campus. My days are so full of learning and working hard, meeting new people and developing older friendships, learning about God, and learning about myself, too. I've grown so much as a person since I started this blog however long ago, and I'm excited to see where God takes me next!

I wanted to share with all of you a beautiful new habit I've adopted thanks to my hilarious friend S. Every day, we make a point of recalling the "happinesses" that have happened during the day, and we text them to each other. It has so helped to keep me from being discouraged or mopey as I struggle with some of the harder aspects of transitioning to college. You should give it a try!

So today, my happiness list is this:

- A really fun dance session in class today
- Going to pass out fliers about our Crisis Pregnancy Center at a highschool football game
- Hugs from friends
- A light load of homework for the weekend!

What's yours?